Project title
“Development and implementation of an artificial intelligence system for virtual characters allowing
simulation of their realistic behavior and interaction with the player on the basis of autonomous image analysis of game participants in real time”.

Purpose of the project
The aim of the project is to create a platform for creating multiplayer AR games
using cloud rendering and machine learning.

Effect of the project
The result of the project, i.e. the new Pirxon platform, will be implemented directly in the consortium
leader’s business. The platform will be based on algorithms developed together with the consortium
partner – the Warsaw University of Technology – and equipped with the first vision system supporting multiplayer games in augmented reality in real time.

Support program
Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”,
Sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises”

Project value
PLN 5,952,653.62

Value of financing
PLN 4,706,912.52
including for Pirxon Software Sp. z o.o: PLN 2,620,018.76

Project implementation period
01.08.2020 – 30.06.2023

Project title
Preparation of RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment along with useful (User Experience)
AR (Augmented Reality) interface controls and creation of an innovative platform in SaaS (Software as a Service) model allowing to draw up business applications for augmented reality glasses
(Augmented Reality). (No RPPM.01.01.01-IP.02-22-002/17)

Purpose of the project
The subject of the project includes performance of R&D works within the scope of preparation of a technology allowing to draw up new universal augmented reality applications rapidly and easily for uses in different branches of industry, services and business. The planned research works will aim at preparing a model set of technologies enabling construction of a RAD-type (Eng. Rapid Application Development) platform for AR technologies i.e. methodology that provides a user (application author) with large
possibilities of prototyping rapidly and with a set of ready-made components (e.g. controls) as broad as possible in charge of performing key functions of the resultant application.

Effect of the project
Results of R&D works will be the effect of the project. They will allow commercializing them through implementation in the Applicant’s own economic activity in the form of activation of an innovative platform
in SaaS model. This will make it possible to win new markets, strengthen the position of PIRXON S.A. as an innovative technological firm and improve economic indicators. Outcome of the project is closely related to effects of implementation of the Priority Axis – Commercialization of Knowledge since the project will contribute to a rise in the number of enterprises investing in innovative solutions and will increase private
R&D expenses within the scope of smart regional specialization (ISP 2). An increase in competitiveness and innovation of PIRXON z o.o. will also be the effect of the project as a result of performance of R&D works leading to preparation of the platform, enabling creation of business applications based on AR.

Project value
PLN 1,890,502.86

Value of financing
PLN 1,388,477.15

Project title
“Increase of the export potential of PIRXON S.A. on the Hungarian and British market through participation in international economic missions”

Purpose of the project
Increase in export activity of PIRXON S.A. by acquiring new markets for the products offered by the
company. As a result of the project, the company intends to direct its offer especially to the British and Hungarian markets. These markets are the most promising from the applicant’s point of view.
The realization of the project will allow to promote the company’s products on the Hungarian and British markets, through participation in the following conferences:
– RPA Conferences,
– The AI Summit.

Project value
PLN 69,666.96

Value of financing
PLN 34,833.48

Project title
“Increase of the export potential of PIRXON S.A. on the Hungarian and British market through
participation in international economic missions”

Purpose of the project
Increasing the export potential of PIRXON S.A. on the British market through participation in an international economic mission.
Contract number: UDG-PBE.03.2019/207

Project value
PLN 68,311.19

Value of financing
PLN 34,155.59

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PIRXON sp. z o.o.
ul. Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdańsk
GPNT, Budynek B, parter
fax.: +48 58 742 17 18
NIP: 957-09-94-350
REGON: 220595000
KRS: 0001143282